Know & Find The Hidden Signs Of Water Damage

It is obvious when you step into your flooded basement that your home will need the immediate help from water damage cleanup specialists. The problem with water damage though, is that it is not always obvious. In fact, in many homes water damage has been present for prolonged periods of time without anyone noticing until the damage has become so severe that it is finally noticeable. So, how can you spot hidden water damage in your Fitchburg home before it becomes a major problem? Our water damage cleanup experts would like to introduce some signs of hidden water damage you should be aware of in your home.

  • Strong, unpleasant odors. Hidden residual water that is allowed to become stagnant over time foster mold and bacterial growth. This mold growth produces a musty, earthy smell that is very strong and does not go away. Any time a strong odor becomes present, it is a strong indicator that there is unseen water damage in the area.
  • Signs of mold growth. Mold spores are microscopic and cannot be seen by the naked eye. However, when mold begins to grow on surfaces following exposure to moisture, it will begin to become visible. Discolored spots along floorboards, on ceilings and walls, under cabinets, in the kitchen or bathroom, or really anywhere in the home, could be mold growth. Mold is often a fuzzy appearance, and can be different shades of green, brown, black, and even white. If you notice suspicious discolored areas in your home, have them inspected for mold growth and, consequently, water damage (since mold requires water to grow, if mold is growing there must be a source of water).
  • Stains on ceiling and walls. When water leaks behind drywall, and seeps into walls and ceilings, it will manifest in a stain or blotch. Often brownish in color, water stains may change color as they dry and become wet again. Water stains may also grow larger as more and more water penetrates the area.
  • Changes in ceilings, walls, and floors. As materials that make the walls, ceiling, and floors in our home become saturated with water, they will begin to swell. This added weight might cause ceilings to sag, walls to bow, and floors to warp. Deformities and buckling in these structures are signs that there is extensive damage and it needs to be addressed immediately to avoid collapse. 
  • Peeling and bubbling paint. Hidden water damage will cause paint to begin to bubble up and peel off of walls. When drywall becomes saturated, it causes paint to lose adhesion. 

Water Damage Cleanup In Fitchburg

If you suspect water damage in your home, or notice any of the above signs, call your water damage cleanup experts right away. When your home has suffered from water damage, you can count on Certi-Dry to clean the affected area quickly and effectively. We can handle all types of water damage, whether it’s a burst pipe that has leaked into the walls, or a flooded basement. We specialize in water damage cleanup, and aim to make your restoration as smooth and quick as possible. For all your water damage cleanup needs, call our team.