Fire Damage Restoration Mistakes To Avoid

After the flames of a house fire have dwindled, you would think all the damage has been done. However, the damage can actually get worse if the right actions are not pursued. Here are the 3 most common mistakes homeowners in Madison can make following a fire that will actually cause more damage. 

Get Overwhelmed By The Damage

Now this is much easier said than done, but you cannot let yourself become overwhelmed. Most of the time, homeowners will assume the damages done to their home at 100 percent, when in actuality it is only at 25 percent. We know it looks bad, really bad, once the flames are out. Charred materials, soot, and ash all leave behind a pretty devastating scene to the untrained eye, especially when it is your own home and belongings that you are seeing the remains of. With the right help, nearly anything and everything can be repaired and restored to pre-loss condition – which just so happens leads to the next most common (and costly) mistake…

Not Hiring a Certified Fire Damage Restoration Company

Trying to save a little money by handling fire damage restoration on your own, or having a friend try to help you when neither of you has the proper expertise let alone experience, will actually end up costing you more in the long run (both with time and money).  You need to call a company that is licensed and certified in proper fire damage repair and restoration, and also is a licensed general contractor as soon as the fire is put out. With emergency response services, these full-service companies not only handle all the cleanup, but they can also rebuild your home. Calling the right fire damage restoration experts ensures that your home is restored to its pre-loss condition as quickly as possible, all while mitigating damage. Consequently, you will be able to let go of any overwhelming feelings when you call a fire damage restoration because they will handle everything, and we mean everything.

Not Keeping A Record Of The Damage

Your homeowner’s insurance will reimburse you for your losses in the fire, as long as you have a record of the damage. Photos and lists can help you keep an accurate inventory of your belongings, including what can be saved, and what is a total loss. Once the fire department has deemed the premises safe to enter, you need to remove as many valuable belongings as possible to increase the odds of salvaging them. This is a good time to record damages, gather personal belongings, and begin the task of recording damages to your insurance. Everything that was lost should be recorded, even down to food that was discarded. 

Fire Damage Restoration In Madison

If you have suffered a house fire in Madison, our fire damage restoration experts are ready for your call 24/7. We understand the devastation that follows a fire, and want to be able to take care of your every need. We know what you are going through, and have helped many other homeowners put the pieces back together after a fire. You can rely on the skilled fire damage professionals at Certi-Dry to restore your home following a fire.